lunes, noviembre 26, 2012

Arcadian Boutique

Un montón de muebles viejos,
señoras que usaban corsets,
sus células muertas por todas partes.

Como dormir sobre sus camas.
Aún las sábanas huelen a bálsamo de tigre.
Unas cuantas lámparas.

Se abre la puerta con algunos pedidos.
Detrás de la casa cuentan que han muerto varias.
Hay un huerto de sal desamparado
que retoña entre el smog de los coches.

La calle Main. Tan despreocupada de su importancia.
Con su árbol lleno de luces rojas anunciando
la Boutique de antigüedades.

A veces las veo por la ventana acercarse a la puerta.
Son mujeres que tuvieron estos objetos y vuelven por ellos.
Se cansaron de vivir sin sus armarios.

3 comentarios:

  1. Wardrobes, cupboards and drawers represent the functions of putting away and taking out, storing and remembering. The inside of a cupboard is an intimate and secret space, and it is not supposed to he opened by just anybody. Little boxes and caskets are hiding places for intimate secrets and as such are of significance for our imagination. Our imagination fills out compartments of rooms and buildings with memories and turns them into our own personal territories. We have just as great a need to keep secrets as we have to reveal, know and understand them. One of the reasons why contemporary houses and cities are so alienating is that they do not contain secrets; their structure and contents are conceived at a single glance. Just compare the labyrinthine secrets of an old medieval town or any old house, which stimulate our imagination and fill it with expectation and excitement, with the transparent emptiness of our new cityscape and blocks of flats.

    (Juhani Pallasmaa)

  2. Qué buen complemento. Gracias Zatorre.

